Christmas is around the corner people,And I usually get stressed about buying presents for everyone,but this year I vow not to,Im just going to pretend im broke,Lol just kidding........
I really want to enjoy christmas like I did when I was a child,You know the excitement im talking about,Waking up stupid hours in the morning,excited that its christmas.....
That feeling has slowly slipped away as ive got older : (
Nether the less,I still love spending the time with my family and eating as many roast potatoes as I can(forget the brussels though,whats up with those)Mum,you cant trick me into thinking they taste any nicer because you added fancy ingredients lol,I fall for it every year
I know what im getting everyone this year so it shouldn't be that stressful,The shopping has already began,but I think im still slacking
Why is it when I go out to buy presents for other people,I come back with things for myself??am I the only one.....
Aside from that I have been dropping hints around of things I would really like(emailing pictures and links)cheeky,I hope the hints have been obvious enough.....
I hope santa brings me something nice this year,I really have been a good girl,really I have
Are you hoping for anything special this year???
: )
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