1. “I swear by adding a ¼ of a cup honey to bath water, not only does it give you a fragrant bath but leaves your skin softer than any moisturiser”
2. “To brighten up, remove nail varnish stains or strengthen up my nails I just rub a quarter of a lemon on to all of my nails. It really does work!”
3. “If you are out of quick-dry spray for nails, dip your fingers into a bowl of ice-cold water. Your nails will dry quickly don’t touch the sides of bowl”
4. “If your skin is looking a bit dull separate some egg whites and use them as a face mask, leave to dry and wash off, the protein helps brighten up skin”
5. “Use camomile tea bags in the bath (new or used) for a lovely relaxing soak and soft skin”
6. “For shiny beautiful hair brunettes and redheads should add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the rinse water. lemon juice works for blondes”
7. “When shaving your legs instead of shaving foam use hair conditioner it works great is cheap and leaves you're legs really soft”
8. “If you’re worried about spots, use soluble aspirin made into a paste”
9. “When feeling bloated on your period and a bit crampy drink hot milk and sprinkle black pepper into it works a treat no more pain”
10. “Wash your hair in vodka once a month it will feel super clean”
Let me know what you think,and If you have any tips you swear by.Oh and If you wish to enter their competition,theres only six days left so get your move on.
disclaimer: “The competition is not in association with Stella McCartney”
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