Hey girlie's, I just wanted to write this post to say a BIG thank you to all that follow my antics in my little blogging space.
Yesterday was a happy/shocking moment for me as I reached 1000 followers. I tell you I nearly shed a tear lol. Never did it once cross my mind that people would take an interest in what I have to say.
The biggest thank you goes out to my brother, because if it wasn't for him and his crazy ways I would have never started blogging when I did. He basically took a 2 and a half hour journey on the train from Bournemouth to London, then the underground and then a train to my house with 2 bags of luggage over his arm whilst he clutched a full sized computer tower for dear life. My mouth nearly hit the floor when I met him at the station, I was literally like "WTF". We then got the Internet up and running, and late one night I was like "I'm going to start blogging". I was a bit reluctant when I said it but he talked me out of that, and that's how Beauty And The Blog was born.
Blogging means a lot to me. Its my space where I can share whatever I want when ever I want. Although I do it for fun, its opened my eyes to a whole new world and given me opportunities that would have never crossed my path before. I have also met some great people too.
I also love interacting with you guys, that's probably the best bit. So don't feel shy to leave your thoughts/opinions or recommendations on products or leave me ideas on what kind of things you might want to see here in the future, it helps me a lot, without ideas this space is nothing.
I hope to be introducing a few new things to my blog soon. I also want to do some sort of competition as a thank you, but I don't know what yet so keep your eyes peeled.
If you've got a minute, come and say hi.....
Thank you again to everyone old and new that support my blog *individual kisses to all* .xxxx
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