Paris outfits of the day!

So I finally got around to collating some of my photos from Paris. Firstly Paris was undoubtably one of the most beautiful cities I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. I loved the history of it and the fact that everywhere you went there was a story to be told. It was an amazing weekend and I can't wait to visit again in the future. We went for 4 days and 3 nights and managed to pack in a lot in those few days, I think it was fair to say I was pretty exhausted by the end of it. I tried to get a few outfit posts whilst in Paris mainly to make the most of the beautiful scenery as I was only there for a few days I didn't get too many as I was too busy taking in the surroundings but I thought I would share with you a few from the bunch!

Top - Zara 
Skirt - River Island
Bag - Zara Tote 
Sandals - New Look

Top - Topshop 
Jacket - Warehouse 
Jeans - Topshop Leigh 
Sandals - Newlook 
Sunglasses - Cheap french shop :-)

Good news guys that my internet should be sorted by next week at my new place woop woop! I have been lost without my daily catch up and have a few posts lined up for my return! I cannot wait to get back in the swing of things!


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