30 Day Me Challenge - Day 5

Hey - Im slacking a little on the challenge as I went out last night for dinner and did not have time to blog so day 5 is today and hopefully I can reach day 30 without too many stop gaps!

Day 5 – How important you think education is?

I believe that education is extremely important and this should be embedded in us from an early age.  Education allows us to not only grow as a person yet opens more doors for us in the future.  I don't think that you ever stop learning in life and I learn new things every day.  

This is a really good challenge so if you think you are up for it then please join in and let me know your blog links in the comments bar below as I love following these types of tags!  You can find details of the entire challenge at http://www.everydaymeme.com so what are you waiting for :) x


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